As an agent in the app, you can create a custom saved search for your clients using the "Create Agent Saved Search" feature in dashboard. This feature allows you to provide your clients with personalized, up-to-date property listings that match their specific criteria. By defining the desired area and applying filters, you can help your clients find their dream property more quickly and easily. Your clients will have access to the latest listings that match their criteria and will be able to stay informed about new properties on the market.
- Login on the to Agent Dashboard.
From the left side menu, click on "Users."
Find the client you want to create a saved search for, and tap "View" on the far right.
Tap "Create Agent Saved Search."
In the top left box, titled "Saved Search Name," provide a name that is easily distinguishable from other potential saved searches.
We recommend leaving the email and push notification toggles on, but you can disable either if desired.
Identify the area you want to cover. Enter a city or zip code in the box above the map and choose it from the drop-down. Then you can use the "Draw on Map" feature for a more precise location. To use "Draw on Map," click the hand on the lower left corner of the map and click on the map to create points. Connect the last point to the first point to apply the drawn area. Note: A saved search can only cover one area. If additional areas are needed, separate saved searches will need to be created.
On the right side, fill out the filters you wish to apply to this saved search.
Once complete, hit "Save Search." The saved search will now show under "Agent Saved Search."
To create a new saved search begin by clicking the 'Filters' button in the upper right corner.
Select your preferences for this specific search, then tap the 'Apply filters' at the bottom.
Up at the top tap on the Search bar and enter the area in which you would like the filters applied to or use Draw on Map feature.
Once you have the filters and area applied to the map, tap on the floating bar that says 'Save this search'.
- Tap on 'Assign search to' and search for the client by name and tap on them. They will now appear in the 'Assign search to' section. *(Please note clients can delete any saved searches you create for them).
Next you can name the saved search and select the notification types.
Click 'Save search' and you're done!
Note: This feature is available on our Pro Plans. Only you can edit or delete the saved search. Your client will not be able to modify or delete it.