Help streamline your client's home search experience with our saved search feature. This feature will allow you and your clients to save a filter with unique criteria, such as price range, number of beds and baths, etc. instead of creating a new filter each time! You and your clients can save up to 10 searches at a time. Each search will work from a central point, which defaults to your current location. This of course, can be adjusted. For a search by Zip Code, the search area will reach three miles in any direction from the central location. If you search by City, the search radius will be four miles in each direction. You can do the following when it comes to Saved Searches:
To create a new saved search begin by clicking the 'Filters' button in the upper right corner.
Select your preferences for this specific search, then tap the 'Apply filters' at the bottom.
Up at the top tap on the Search bar and enter the area in which you would like the filters applied to or use Draw on Map feature.
Once you have the filters and area applied to the map, tap on the floating bar that says 'Save this search'.
- If you wish to assign this saved search to a client tap on 'Assign search to' and search for the client by name and tap on them. They will now appear in the 'Assign search to' section. *(Please note clients can delete any saved searches you create for them).
Next you can name the saved search and select the notification types.
Click 'Save search' and you're done!
You can find your Saved Search(s) in two spots.
'Account' tab:
Tap 'Saved Searches'.
Click on the saved search you would like to view.
This will open to Map View, and everything that appears will be under the saved search you selected.
'Search' bar on the map:
On the map tap on the 'Search' bar on the top.
Tap on 'Saved Search', which is located to the right of 'New'.
Click on the saved search you would like to view.
This will open to Map View, and everything that appears will be under the saved search you selected.