Agent Insights is your lead generation/capture portal. You can contact every user directly in the app through their verified phone number and email! With one tap you can see which users were most recently in the app along with the views, favorites, shares and notes each user engages in!
Open your App.
Tap on 'Insights' on the bottom menu pane.
Once in this section you will see two options.
You will be brought to the Activity portion of Insights. In this section you will see your apps analytics breakdown in card views. There are 3 sections that you can tap on to expand.
Recent Active Users: Tap on the user to see their activity.
View Scheduled Viewing Requests: Tap on the date and then select the listing to see details
See Recent Activity: Tap here to see the history of your apps user activity.
Here you will see a list of all app users currently assigned to you.
- You can search for a user by name in the 'Search People' bar.
Tap on a user and you’ll be directed to that users profile. In their profile you will see the following information:
- Contact details in the Icons:
Viewings Requested
- Analytics based on their search history
- Recent Saved Searches.
- This is also where you can also set up a saved search for the user.
- Tap on the
Icon in order to Add a user to the app.
- Tap on the
Icon in order to filter the search of users by Tags.
We often hear, "I have 19 users on my app, now what do I do?" - we are here to help!
A few things to keep in mind as you learn about converting leads with Agent Insights:
Within Agent Insights you'll see every user on your app. Some of these will be family, friends, past clients, current clients, etc., everyone who has downloaded the app, and created an account.
Some names on your Agent Insights list may be leads (especially if you have a farm area app - or are a marketing rockstar.) Make sure you contact your leads! You now have their verified phone number, name, and email address, voila!
Here are a few ideas to get started:
Put these users on an email campaign or email drip - send them a welcome email with information about the community, new listings, etc.
Give them a call! Introduce yourself, get to know them and what they are looking for and remind them of what value the app can bring them as they are searching (favoriting homes, accurate data, driving directions, writing notes that you can see, etc.)
Do your research! Tap each users name to see what area they're searching in, what homes they've favorited, viewed, shared, etc. - draw conclusions about their criteria from these listings too.
Share listings with them - you've made the initial contact and have an idea of what they're looking for - now you can keep them engaged with you and the home search by sharing hand-picked listings via text.
Check into Agent Insights often, be proactive and use this tool often to convert your leads and really know what your users are viewing, sharing and favoriting at all times!
Note: Standard Plan does not include full agent insights.