This is your apps unique identifier that can be used for integrations. Please contact us at support@homestack.com to learn more.
If you are on our Pro or Enterprise plan, you have access our Zapier integration. With this integration you can connect your HomeStack app to your CRM. Follow the instructions on the Zapier integration guide to learn how to connect the two, as HomeStack is not public on Zapier at the moment.
You can select your CRM from the supported list and enter the required credentials. The CRM Integration will pull the following information: Name, E-Mail and Phone Number.
This email is used to capture leads in your CRM system if you have email parsing set up. It is not the contact email.
Disclaimer: This feature may exclusively be accessible to Admins depending on settings enabled. If you are not an Admin, please consult with your organization's administrator for assistance or further information.
Please Note: This feature is included in our Pro and Enterprise plans. If you believe you should have access to it but don't, please reach out to support@homestack.com. If you're not currently on our Pro or Enterprise plan and would like to add this premium feature to your existing plan A La Carte, please contact support@homestack.com for further information.